Monday, July 4, 2011

From Facebook to Twitter

A few years ago, it was Myspace and Friendster who ruled the social networking industry. When Facebook became available, it was a blockbuster hit and still continues to be so. Anyway, the point is, Facebook rules that part of the world (social networking) with more or less than 750 million users to date. Of course, we should also take note of Twitter's success which has more or less, 250 million users.

I was a very active Friendster user way back then. When Facebook launched I did not immediately embrace it or even knew about it. I think it was on the site's 3rd year when I signed up for an account. Basically, what I did on Facebook was play games like Farmville, Fishville, and all the games that had "ville" as there lasnames. That was basically it, of course aside from looking for friends (real friends) who are also in the site. 

Then I started blogging. Then serious blogging. It limited my time to harvest my produce on Farmville and my fishes died on Fishville because of starvation. When I started blogging seriously, my Facebook wall was all serious or no games on my wall can be read or seen. You know what being serious means or where it will end up right? Yes, I am kind of bored with Facebook.

Blogging was, I think, the main reason why I made a Twitter account. The first account I made is now turned into TechPump's Twitter account and I made a personal account, which was good so that things would be compartmentalized. 

Then I found, made, and mingled with the people on my timeline. That was the time I fell in love with Twitter. You can actually rant all day without anyone saying they are annoyed, I mean, that is what Twitter is all about. Try posting a new status on Facebook for every 5 minutes, someone or a lot would rant about you being so annoying or whatnot, worse they'd unfriend you. But on Twitter? Rant all day and nobody's gonna complain. 

I am now more in love with Tweeting than Facebooking, today. But still Facebook is an important part of my social network and I just can't deactivate my Facebook just because I am more active on Twitter. Oh well, I just have to absorb the fact that Twitter ain't for everybody here in the Philippines and for everyone else around the world. Not everyone likes Twitter, not everyone knows what Twitter is, and not everyone knows how to tweet or how it works, unfortunately.

Anyway, Twitter is a very good way to interact with friends, industry experts, and even Hollywood and local artists. Twitter allows you to mingle with real people (at least the ones who I follow) and not just an account who plays games all day. I want everybody to be on Twitter and I know that everyone just won't do that, its based on user preference. Just one tip, you will not enjoy Twitter on your first few months with it but once you get the groove you will love it. 

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