Monday, July 4, 2011

From Facebook to Twitter

A few years ago, it was Myspace and Friendster who ruled the social networking industry. When Facebook became available, it was a blockbuster hit and still continues to be so. Anyway, the point is, Facebook rules that part of the world (social networking) with more or less than 750 million users to date. Of course, we should also take note of Twitter's success which has more or less, 250 million users.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Who does not know Maroon 5? I think everybody does, right? The band's latest album that was released is dubbed "Hands All Over". I had the album for a while now and have been listening to the songs included in it for also a while. It seems my music player will never fail to play at least one Maroon 5 song in the course of me using my computer.